AK0 O8093


Frequently asked questions from our guests about staying at The Rockwood Hotel & Spa at Aomori Spring Ski Resort.

Services & Facilities

Is there Wi-Fi in the hotel?

Yes, the hotel is fully equipped with Wi-Fi, available in every room.

Does the hotel offer any transfer services?

There is no shuttle service between the nearest station, Ajigasawa Station, and our hotel. We accept cab reservations. Reservations are required. For more information, please check up the Location and Access page on our website or contact us at [email protected] or 0173-72-1011.

Does the hotel have a parcel delivery service?

The hotel offers parcel delivery by Yamato Transport.

What time is the buffet at Rockwood Hall served?
  • Breakfast: 07:30 - 9:30 
  • Dinner: 17:30 - 20:30
Are there wheelchairs available?

Yes. There are two wheelchairs in the hotel. Please make a reservation in advance if you wish to use the wheelchairs.

Can non-hotel guests eat at Rockwood Hall or use the Onsen?

The dinner buffet can be purchased at 4,000 yen for adults, 2,800 yen for children (elementary school age), and 2,000 yen for infants (age 4-6). The hot spring can be used at at fee of 1,500 yen/680 yen (12:00 to 17:00) per adult/child (age 6-12 years old).

Bookings & Reservations

Are there smoking and non-smoking rooms?

Only non-smoking rooms available at Rockwood Hotel & Spa.

What time is check-in and check-out?
  • Check-in: 15:00 - 19:00
  • Check-out: 11:00
What are the charges for infants?

There are no room charges for infants who are co-sleeping in the same room as parents.

Rockwood Hall buffet pricing

  • Children between 4-6 years old: 1,750yen
  • Children under 3 years old: no charge


  • Children between 4-6 years old: 1,155yen
  • Children under 3 years old: no charge
Are pets allowed in the hotel?

Pets are not allowed in the hotel.

What is the hotel’s cancellation policy?
  • Cancellation 1 day before: 20% of the full price
  • Cancellation on the day itself: 80% of the full price
  • Cancellation without informing the hotel: 100% of the full price
The ultimate Japan resort holiday

Enjoy a true year-round resort experience at The Rockwood Hotel and Spa in winter; ski-in ski-out convenience in winter, world-class golf and outdoor activities in summer.

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